Eye spider unreal character
Eye spider - character in Unreal Engine
- Character works on Animation Blueprint and Character Blueprint
- Project has Input folder with input keys
- Iris reflection works on complex node material system(It works without ray tracing)
- Two materials (Eye and legs)
- Skeleton has IK and FK system
- All animations in eye spider animations pack file. Where you can change them.
- Three materials (Eye, legs, iris)
- All 2048x2048
- Unreal and Blender have different texture pack
- Unreal: EYE-BaseColor, EYE-Normal, EYE-Roughness, IRIS-BaseColor, LEGS-BaseColor, LEGS-Normal, LEGS-OcclusionRoughnessMetallic, Iris-plane-normal
- Blender: EYE-BaseColor, EYE-mask, EYE-Normal, EYE-Roughness, IRIS-BaseColor, LEGS-AO, LEGS-BaseColor, LEGS-Normal, LEGS-Roughness
- walk (front, back, left, right, front left 45,front right 45, back right 45, back left 45 ) eight sides
- run (the same as walk)
- crouch(the same as walk)
- soft-stop for walk (eight sides)
- soft-stop for run (eight sides)
- soft-stop for crouch (eight sides)
- jump/falling/landing
- 2 attack variants (LMB and RMB)
- turn
- transitions from stand to crouch and back
- Idle stand
- Idle crouch
Polygons - 4,436
Vertices - 2,239
You'll get Unreal project with character, animations pack in blender, character rig in blender
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